Wednesday, June 13, 2012

IFRT Preconference at ALA's Annual Conference in Anaheim

Who Do I Trust to Protect My Privacy?
Privacy Conversation Deliberative Forum And Moderator Training

Sponsored by ALA Intellectual Freedom Round Table and The ALA Center for Civic Life

A Hands-On Preconference
Thursday, June 21, 2012, 1:30 – 5:30

Anaheim Convention Center, Room 303C

Join an afternoon conversation on privacy Thursday, June 21st, from 1:30 to 5:30 at the Anaheim Convention Center, Room 303C. The conversation will be structured with an Issue Map. Following the dialogue, participants will learn how to convene and moderate a deliberative dialogue so they can host their own local forums that explore privacy values and concerns.

Download forum materials including the Issue Map here (ALA Members only).

Register: Nanette Perez

$25. To register, sign onto ALA Conference Registration; click on Preconferences and Events, and scroll down to IFRT.

For More Information, contact: Carolyn Caywood; Nancy Kranich; Nanette Perez